Marg For Peace is a global initiative for establishing the peace in the world.
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Marg For Peace is a global initiative for establishing the peace in world by spiritual leadership under the divine guidence Brahmaleen Guruji Shri Mani Swami ji.

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According to Vedas Spiritual Leadership means the leadership motivated, inspired and driven by four core principles of Vedas viz. Dharma (The Path of Righteousness), Artha (Economics), Kama (Lust, Greed, Anger, Ego, Infatuation and Jealousy), and Moksha (The Final Liberation from Worldly Bondages). By following these four principles one can triumph on his/her basic evil instincts but as a matter of fact none of the political leadership is neither competent and eligible to do so nor they can develop such abilities. Even in India which is heart land of Vedic civilization who can assume that political leadership is capable to follow these above mentioned core concepts of Vedas or rule of Dharma (Dharma doesn’t means religion in any sense).  To read more click here
We are witnessing war almost everywhere across the world and at every step of life. In fact due to these chaotic conditions living the life peacefully has becoming more and more difficult day by day. Thereare many reasons behind war and other warlike situations which are responsible for this. One of the main reason is Political Leadership. Political Leadership can't establish the Peace in the world as they are governed by hyper materialistic approach. Peace is the ultimate necessity and need of the hour. Only Spiritualy developed persons can establish the Peace in the world. Marg For Peace is a global initiative for establishing the peace in the world through Spiritual Leadership. So join this global peace initiative and become Spiritual Leadership. To know the fundamentals of Spiritual Leadership (Part 2) read our blog
The problem with the people in today's world that they are unaware of real meaning of Spirituality. Their minds are bounded with most common perception of Spirituality that it exists beyond the world or something heavenly. In West misconceptions about Spiritualy is more widened which linked it to business. But all these perceptions are wrong. Spiritualy is the last abode of humanity. People are suffering due to influence of hyper materialistic ruling class. They are quite away from the path of righteousness. We have redefined Spiritualy from Vedic perspective. Spiritual Leadership is the avident future of humanity. We described it through our blogs in part 1 and 2 . To read please click here.
India is the more older than we can imagine and this Sanskrit slokas on India describe the Glory of BharatVarsha. India is the oldest nation and the first civilization to have lived in the area for hundreds of thousands millenium years. Several of the oldest cities in the world have been inhabited for thousands of years. India (Bharat) is the only nation which have Eternal Vedic Dharma in the world. To know the ancient history of Bharatha that is India and the glory of its name, please click here
The ancient epic Ramayana mentions that Valmiki described the region known as present-day Afghanistan as Gandharva desh. It was ruled by Pushkal and Taksha, the sons of Bharat, who was the brother of Lord Sri Rama. They defeated the Gandharvas and established their rule in the capital cities of Pushkalavati (known as Pukli in Afghanistan) and Takshashila, which is now located in Pakistan. Over time, Gandharva desh transformed into Gandhar during the era of the Mahabharata. It is interesting to note that a princess from Gandhar named Gandhari married a prince from Hastinapur named Dhritarashtra. To know more read our blog Tracing Ancient Indian Influence in Middle East: Unveiling Historical Connections (Part 1) by clicking here by clicking here
L.A. Waddell, as discussed in Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence, has also expressed the belief that the Sumerians were part of the Vedic tradition. Additionally, the discovery of inscribed tablets predating 3000 BCE revealed Sanskrit names of Sumerian kings in Babylonia. Some of these names corresponded with the names of significant figures from the Puranas, who were either kings or esteemed sages. This correspondence further suggests that the Sumerians belonged to the Indo-Aryan lineage and migrated from the region of ancient Bharat Varsha to Babylonia. Therefore, names like Indaru (Indra), Baragu (Bhrigu), Kush, Mana (Manu), Dasaratta (Dasharatha), Kashipu (Kashyap), Varen (Varun), Barama (Brahma), and others are found on these Sumerian tablets. Read the full article "Tracing Ancient Indian Influence in Middle East: Unveiling Historical Connections (Part 2)" by clicking here
In ancient Vedic tradition, the continent of Africa was referred to as Kusha Deep or Kusha Dwipa. There were two reasons behind this designation. Firstly, large areas of land in Africa were characterized by the presence of tall grass known as Kusha grass in Sanskrit. Secondly, according to Vedic lore, after the war between Rama and Ravana, the administration of the continent was entrusted to Rama's son Kush or Cusha. This connection is further supported by the mention of Africans as Cushites in some African school textbooks, which aligns with the information mentioned above.
Read the full article Exploring the Influence of Vedic Culture in the Middle East and Africa by clicking here
21st June is celebrated as International Yoga Day. We are dedicating this article to Yoga. The literal meaning of Yoga is ‘union.’ Though in mathematics, yoga means to add something or addition.
Yoga is one but there are numerous methodologies of practicing yoga developed over thousands of millennium years. Here it will be worthful to take the notice of different distorted version of Yoga Vidya which has been in fashion today, especially in the west. The promotors of these low grade and distorted versions of Yoga have named it Hot yoga and Power Yoga etc. It has also been observed that in the name of Kundalini Yoga, there are certain elements who are propagating insane version of Kundalini Yoga tantra. There are numerous persons who are making huge amount of money by making fool of innocent people who wants to learn Yoga and attain the Peace in their lives. Read the full article by clicking here
We are currently witnessing the last phase of the age of Kaliyuga, a critical period characterized by the intensification of Maya, the illusionary force that tightly grips human consciousness. As a result, illusory concepts have emerged, becoming the guiding principles of humanity. Two prominent illusory concepts are the distorted understanding of God and Nature, and the reduction of human beings to mere physical entities, leading to the rise of consumerism, a creation of capitalism as we have discussed in our previous article.
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The issue with scientists lies in their perspective and understanding of medical science. They approach the human body and mind with the same mindset as they do with non-living machines. The problem lies in their attitude and level of comprehension. They believe they can manipulate DNA, artificially create new neural circuits and connections. Read the full article by clicking here
What is Anxiety Disorder , Why a large number of population is facing its severe impacts in many ways, What are its indications and how one can come over Anxiety Disorder. If you are facing any kind of mental sickness then you can get rid of it through our Free Spiritual Services. To know more read full article by clicking here
The numbers run the world. This may seem strange to some, usually people think that politicians run the world, some might think corporates run the world. Well, it's true up to some extent but its not the reality. Religious people think that God runs the world and every single living and non-living entity is being run and governed by God while atheists think that there is no God who will dictate and rule the world. The debate has its prolonged history and none of the side has ever succeeded in winning this endless debate. Read the full article by clicking here
In these days internet is flooded with lots of stuff about end of Kaliyuga and Kalki Avtar. During Kaliyuga, Sata Guna diminishes to its lowest point, while Raja Guna and Tamah Guna reaches to their highest level. This convergence renders Kaliyuga, a period of profound darkness, with heightened negative attributes leading to a decline in consciousness know more here
Over the past eight years, the credibility, moral standards, and professional ethics of Indian print, electronic, and social media have experienced a sharp decline. Issues such as fake news, paid news, and becoming mouthpieces for governments have become prevalent. Instead of exposing government scandals, corruption, and the motives behind hyper-pro-capitalistic policies, the media has taken to concealing the truth by diverting public attention to emotional issues that touch people's sentiments.